Commencing May 2012 Emma began working on her post as Artist in Residence in Slovenia. Emma was awarded a residency and scholarship with the Guestroom Maribor programme in partnership with Pekarna Magdalenske Mreže Cultural Centre and Maribor 2012: European Capital of Culture.
Her recent projects proposed to explore the fields of wearable arts based around cultural identity, community interaction and craft heritage. Her series of work produced through field research and location development in the city of Maribor is titled ‘The Hives of Lepi Spomini’.
Emma was based working as part of the programme in a studio located within the 16th century built, Koroski 18 Galerija in the city of Maribor. The project included production of the series of works alongside collaborations and interactions with locally based creatives. Accompanying projects included working on a woven piece that engaged the concept of physically using the space by transforming the archways of the building into a board loom. Additional aspects included presenting a public artist talk and hosting of the exhibition opening as well as a collaboration with a Maribor based creative team in producing a photographic series of the works.
The works were showcased as an installation alongside a photographic collaboration as part of a joint exhibition with French artist, Jérôme Souillot. The exhibition titled ‘Call Me Human Torch’ opened on May 28th- June 1st 2012 at Koroski 18 Gallery, Maribor, Slovenia.
The project was further developed post residency using the concepts and active research conducted in Maribor. Additional elements of the project include the production of graphic artwork design that was digitally printed onto textiles in the UK alongside the creation of additional garments and a final photographic collaboration with Tokyo/Paris based photographer, Yuji Watanabe, and a London based creative team.